Property & Rental Management Has Never Been Easier


Give your apartment the detail-oriented management it needs. May that be in Prague or Karlovy Vary.
A 'Go Beyond' customer experience in every interaction with guests, prospects, owners, and clients.

WHY Airstay?

  • Need more bucks? We will increase your revenue with optimal rental management.
  • Your home, your terms. Impeccable cleaning service, check-ins and outs, 24/7 guest support. It’s like we were never there.
  • You don’t do any work. If there’s a problem, clients call us.
  • Our guests will take care of your property, because we make them happy with around-the-clock customer service.
  • We apply unique double personal control in between of guests stay. You can rest assured we will notice anything wrong and we will maintain your property in perfect shape.
  • We greet all our guests personally, with welcome gift, map and house manual. No lockboxes.
  • You can trust us because we trust each other and care for your property as if it were our own.

Tereza Ryšavá
Founder & Director of operations Airstay Prague

I have been working in tourism and hospitality industry since 2005. To deepen my professional skills, I studied and graduated in 2014 the University of Business in Prague, majoring in tourism. Since 2013 I have started hosting on Airbnb, first as a sole trader and in successful continuation I created my company Airstay Pragues.r.o. in 2018. I then invited my family members to join in the company as well as some of my friends. Thankfully they accepted and help me to grew the company to what it is today. We consider ourselves a honest quality oriented family run company. Interesting is that property management runs in the family tradition. We have been in different forms taking care of estates already from the year of 1851. Therefore, property management is kind of an inherited skill. In Airstay Prague Im responsible for the day-to-day management of Airstay and its staff. Financial management, planning, organising and directing all Airstay services. My passion is Interior design and home staging. Being able to Co-create and design attractive looking short-term rental property is one of the many rewarding parts of my role in Airstay.




Our services include:

  • Creation and management of online listings (list home, Inquiries, Bookings)
  • Price optimization for your listing
  • Check in: Key Exchange, Meet & Greet  guests, Walkthrough, House rules, 24/7 Availability to guests
  • Check out: Key return, Damage walkthrough, Report to Owner
  • Restock Toiletries & Household Items (*at cost to owner)
  • Full cleaning services (*at cost to owner)
  • Oversees maintenance issues (*at cost to owner)
  • Collection of security and damage-related deposits

Full Package

Increase your income – we take care of everything else.

  • Expert listing of your home under a Superhost profile
  • Booking procedures and guest communication
  • Interior design and decoration of your rental home
  • Apartment photography
  • Check-in and check-out procedures
  • Full cleaning service
  • Rental pricing management and optimization
  • Rental home repairment support

Consulting & ROI

Want to do it on your own? Save time and money by learning from an expert.

  • Airbnb advanced website usage (1 hour workshop)
  • Rental strategy and price management (2 hour workshop)
  • Rental procedures and operations (3 hour workshop)
  • Becoming a Superhost (2 hour workshop)

Short - term Package

Vacations? Too much work? No time? Fear not, we take over until you’re back.

  • Airbnb account management
  • Co-hosting help
  • Cleaning services assistance
  • Check-in and check-out assistance

Decoration & Design

Improve your rental home to attract more guests.

  • Home decoration
  • Interior design advice
  • Transport and assembly




Otakar Ryšavý

Otakar Ryšavý

Maintenance manager

Otakar Ryšavý

Maintenance manager

He maintains the day-to-day operations and assume responsibility for maintaining the physical asset of all the properties under the direction of the Director of AirStay Prague. Otakar, has spent his entire adult life taking care of estates private as well as state owned, which is successful continuation of family tradition from his father side since the 18th century.

Ivan Trishchuk

Ivan Trishchuk

Maintenance and installation specialist

Ivan Trishchuk

Maintenance and installation specialist

Ivan is originally a builder, he is very good painter and the true handyman, when met with a technical problem you can count on him. He will solve it.

Svetlana Trishchuk

Světlana Trishchuk

Main Housekeeping manager

Světlana Trishchuk

Main Housekeeping manager

Housekeeping management is at the core of Airstay and can make the difference between a reputed apartment and one that guests are unlikely to visit again. Světlana´s team main duty is to ensure the cleanliness and orderliness of all apartments and surrounding areas, making sure all guests feel at home. Světlanka is with Tereza since the very beginning of Airstay Prague and helped making it what is it today.

Klára Vojtíšková

Klára Vojtíšková

Operating manager of Accommodation service & Customer care

Klára Vojtíšková

Operating manager of Accommodation service & Customer care

Customer service specialists who is responsible for welcoming and accommodating experience of our guests, supervises customer service and organizes the whole check-in team. Klára is a natural skilled manager and great professional as she has been working in hospitality & tourism industry all around the world since her studies of international relations. Due to her international work experiences gathered while working in Thailand, Croatia, Austria, England and USA she is truly a Rockstar in leading the customer care team.

Romana Ryšavá

Romana Ryšavá

Administrative and legal offices specialist

Romana Ryšavá

Administrative and legal offices specialist

Is responsible for company communication with city hall and foreign police offices as well as for supervising invoicing of the company. She maintains personal connection with all officers, which helps us very much in being on top of all mandatory regulations.

Kateřina Kácovská

Kateřina Kácovská

Marketing manager

Kateřina Kácovská

Marketing manager

She leads Airstay's marketing team, overseeing the marketing not only for our company but also for all our listed properties across all sales platforms. Her expertise lies in research, development, and the implementation of new tools to maximize sales. Kateřina is highly creative, with a degree in international relations, and she is a talented manager with many years of experience in tourism marketing. She has worked not only in the Czech Republic but also across Europe, where she represented Czech Tourism in the Netherlands, among other roles. Her career has primarily focused on retail and tourism marketing.

Adam Ordelt

Adam Ordelt

Property manager

Adam Ordelt

Property manager

Adam takes care of the operations of all residences in our management with midterm rental purposing and is also our expat long-term rental specialist. He excels at maintaining great tenant relations and also upkeeps beneficial real-estate partnerships.

Uliana Trishchuk

Uliana Trishchuk

Interiour designer

Uliana Trishchuk

Interiour designer

The interior design of your investment property plays an important role during the guests stay but even more so during the sales on all platforms. A designer and unique looking property will always be more profitable. Uliana is an architecture student at the Czech Technical University and at Airstay she designs original interiors which catch the clients attention at the first glance.

Denisa Kramlová

Denisa Kramlová

Revenue manager

Denisa Kramlová

Revenue manager

She leads the revenue team at Airstay. Denisa has been working in the tourism industry since 2012. In her career, she has focused on sales and revenue and she gained her experience across various Czech markets; Karlovy Vary, Plzeň, and Prague being the most dominant areas of her focus. Most of her experience comes from the hotel industry, but in recent years, she has shifted her focus to the dynamic field of short-term rentals. At Airstay, she is responsible for comprehensive pricing policies, market research, analysis and pricing strategy execution. Maximizing the profitability of your investment properties is her area of expertise and every day goal.

Lucie Balánová: Company accountant

Our Lucie does not like to be photographed, however, she needs to be introduced as she is too an incredibly important part of our team. She ensures we are upkeeping all legal and tax regulations and is here every day to help and advice with any problem we might encounter and is available to help to all clients of Airstay Prague.



Inquiry for shortterm rental managment of your property via Airbnb



Tereza Rysava

Tereza Ryšavá

Prague | Czech Republic

Founder & Director of operations Airstay Prague

E: P: +420 602 630 605


Company information : 
Airstay Prague s.r.o
IČO: 06590888

Charvátova 3, Praha 1 - Nové město, 110 00